
Welcome to the NOBILIS house. The children’s house.

Here Nobles are nurtured!

Our early childhood programmes support parents and their children from infancy through age 5+, which includes the important transition from home to school.
Our Junior elementary (primary 1- 3)

Our early childhood programmes support parents and their children from infancy through age 5+, which includes the important transition from home to school.
Our Junior elementary (primary 1- 3)

We long to see families that T.H.R.I.V.E! 

We believe the family is the strongest unit that moulds the child and hence the key to the change we desire in our communities and Nation.

At the Nobilis House, we partner with families and work as a Team to provide children with a Healthy and safe learning atmosphere grooming the development of Resilience and responsibility early in each child. We encourage Independence, confidence, and joy in hard work: these values are virtues we embrace. We promote an Environmental consciousness from our practical life curriculum.
Join us as we lets THRIVE together as we build the future today.

A note from the Programs Director

I am commonly asked why I chose to enter the field of early childhood education and development. It was not one isolated incident, rather a cumulation of small moments that guided me to a field where I experience social and mental fulfillment.

My passion and pursuit is to bring more resources and acknowledgement into early childhood education and development. I have learned that for every human being, it is in early childhood we lay the foundation and nurture the roots for understanding concepts for the years that follow.

 I believe it so important to pay the greatest attention to early childhood education. As an Architect, I understand how significant a foundation is to all other outcomes, parts of a building. No matter how beautiful the outside of a building looks, the foundation determines how safe, how durable, in fact its all about the foundation

Nwodo Chinyelu